January 2006

Monthly Archive

Naked in DC: shooting with Al

Posted by candyposes on 13 Jan 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I worked with Al on a deserted Sunday morning in DC in order to produce some very interesting images. I absolutely love these images- the cold and risk of being arrested was most definitely worth it.

Photography and concept by Al. Taken in December, 2005.

Protected: A rant from the past: art vs. porn.

Posted by candyposes on 13 Jan 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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Gary photoshoot.

Posted by candyposes on 13 Jan 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

These photos are the results of the first photoshoot I had with a “real” photographer- not my boyfriend. I found Gary on craigslist while browsing the “gigs” section, and decided to give a TFP/CD(time for prints/cd) modeling shoot a try

Photographs taken by Gary in November, 2005.

I can’t recommend him enough as a photographer- easy to work with, and as you can see, the photographs came out great. The prescription bottles were my idea, as I tend to be both a packrat and an artist. Once these photos were taken, there was no going back- I decided to pursure modeling as a hobby- particularly nude modeling.

My first photos.

Posted by candyposes on 13 Jan 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

The first photographs of me were taken by my boyfriend, Ricky. He’s still my favorite person to pose for.

Taken in September 2005, by Ricky

Taken in October(?) 2005 by Ricky.

The photographer and sweetheart himself, September 2005. Taken by me.

The beginning

Posted by candyposes on 12 Jan 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Photograph taken in August, 2005, by me.

This photograph was taken after I had cut off the vast majority of my long, curly hair. Although I didn’t know it, it was the beginning of a transformation.

Before the haircut, July 2005. Getting my first tattoos. Taken by my friend Marissa.

I had been involved with someone who hated tattoos, and loved my long hair. Hell hath no fury like a woman shorn. Needless to say, things ended.

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