Protected: I’ll take a six pack of…

Posted by candyposes on 11 Apr 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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It’s the Weekend.

Posted by candyposes on 07 Apr 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

According to one of my friends, the only reason people read my blog is because I post naked pictures of myself on it.

No kidding.

Happy Weekend!

Photography by Al. Taken in March, 2006.

Personal life.

Posted by candyposes on 03 Apr 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I wish I could update more, but articulately ranting about feminism is more energy and time consuming than it would seem. So, what’s going on in my personal life?

I’ve been shooting a lot outdoors with Al, who is a lot of fun to work with, and has promised to pay my bail money if I ever get arrested for indecent exposure due to this project. There’s no good way to call your parents to tell them you’re locked up for pubic, excuse me, public nudity.

I also found a real, full time job. I’m being scheduled in and introduced to everything today. I’m still telling people that I “take my clothes off for money” when they ask me what I do, though. That’s never going to lose it’s appeal.

I’ll be moving at the end of April, so I’m pretty psyched up about that. Changes seem to appeal to me at this time in my life. I’ll be farther away from my family and Ricky, but not by much.

I started this entry with the intent of complaining to the cyberworld, but either I’m in some serious denial, or things aren’t so bad. My fingers are crossed for the latter.

Photography by Domenic. January, 2006.

Protected: Good and Bad.

Posted by candyposes on 30 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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Go Daddy.

Posted by candyposes on 26 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m not sure whether you watched the Superbowl or not- I did, although I fell asleep during part of it. I’m not a big football fan- I remember the ads much, much better. Well, that and the frightening gyrations of Mick Jagger’s pelvis.

One of the more notable ads was Go Daddy’s, featuring a big-bosomed brunette bursting out of her shirt. I know sex sells, but Go Daddy is a web hosting company. Come on. What do large mammaries have anything to do with anything?

Now, here’s the ironic part. Go Daddy doesn’t allow “adult content” on their web pages. A near pornographic ad broadcasted to the world, that’s okay. A little bit of vagina- unacceptable!

How do I know this? Go Daddy is currently my hosting service for all of my websites, even this one and this one. Oops.

See the ad here.

No breasts here.
Photography by Bill; March 2006.

Just a small note.

Posted by candyposes on 24 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m still on the job hunt, and even got all dressed up today to go see about a possible employment opportunity(I doubt they’ll call me back). Any way, I snapped a picture of me all gussied up. This is what Candy on the prowl for a normal, everyday job looks like.

And, yes, if you’re wondering, I am indeed wearing my mohawk in a french braid.

Protected: Exploitation- Part 2.

Posted by candyposes on 21 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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Protected: Who Me?

Posted by candyposes on 19 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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Protected: Roe vs. Wade for men.

Posted by candyposes on 17 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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Scarleteen(and the prom hicky).

Posted by candyposes on 10 Mar 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I thought I’d dedicate an entry to Scarleteen, a sex ed resource for teenagers. I’ve recently written about the lack of decent sex education in school, and I’m eternally grateful that there are incredibly wonderful, informative sites like Scarleteen out there, making up for the general crap that current day health classes have to offer teenagers. I’m lucky that my biggest crisis in high school that resulted from “sexual activity”-if you could call it that- was the miserable hicky I got a couple of days before prom.

I’d include naked pictures of myself, but since Scarleteen is a site oriented for those under 18, I thought I’d post pictures of myself, clothed, when I was 18. Enjoy.

(Please note the arrow pointing to the hicky)

Photography by various people years ago.

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