Quick Note

Posted by candyposes on 03 Nov 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Oh, and by the way, did I mention that I took a side trip to Bellingham while visiting Vancouver to spend some time hanging around with Jim Duvall?

Photography by Jim Duvall. October, 2006.

Brown People.

Posted by candyposes on 01 Nov 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

“random photos of brown people.”

I love it.

Photography by Domenic. August, 2006.

On my own…sort of.

Posted by candyposes on 22 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m 21 years old; I left school last spring. This was a wise decision on my part.

My parents wanted me to move back in with them. For a multitude of reasons, I declined. I live on my own with a great group of people, and pay for rent by myself.

One of the reasons for living on my own and paying for rent and food by myself is because I know that I do things that my parents don’t or wouldn’t approve of. I’m not talking about being a nude model; they know and are okay with this, although they’d probably rather I’d still be telemarketing.

It just seems hypocritical to spend money that I haven’t earned to do things that they don’t want me to do. But I’m making money…so what’s the problem?

I’m not making enough. Well, sort of. I make enough for food and rent and various other odds and ends…

But not for healthcare. Due to personal health reasons, I need to be on several medications and see a doctor every month. As you can imagine, without my parents, it’s simply not anywhere near possible.

It’s a moral dilemma. I’m so lucky and thankful for them and the fact that, due to them, I can live a somewhat normal life.

But, do I owe them an obligation to be on better behavior because of it? I don’t feel as if I’m making poor choices- yet, I’m partially supported by them. Don’t they get some say regarding the life I live if they’re funding it?

I suppose that I’ve reached a compromise with myself regarding this topic- since they pay for my healthcare, I will do my very best to make the healthiest choices possible.

Photography by Taj, taken in October, 2006.

Another Reason.

Posted by candyposes on 20 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

Another reason to go into bondage modeling…

There are people out there who will pay good money to see a feminist tied up.

Photography by Moraxian, of Moraxian’s Gameroom, September 2006.

P.S. You can see me tied up some more here and here.

On Posing.

Posted by candyposes on 18 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

It’s very rare that one gets to choose one’s own name. In my case, a major lapse in judgment resulted in the name “Candy, “ despite having access to a slew of other perfectly good names.

My last name, Poses, was a happy accident. My website address was candyposes.com; I loved the multiple meanings behind it. “Poses” could be interpreted as a noun or a verb, altering the interpretation of “Candy poses.”

As my journey into modeling progressed, I realized that I needed a last name in order to differentiate myself from the other misguided girls out there who had also, in fits of insanity resembling my own, chosen Candy as their nom de nude modeling.

After mulling over what an appropriate last name would be (hopefully one that would give some dignity to, or at least reduce the idiocy of, my first), a friend pointed out something- I already had, unintentionally, given myself one. All one had to do was look at the address of my site.

So, my name became Candy Poses. It served as a sentence, a noun, and something to go by. Later on I realized that it had a fourth, darker meaning.

“Poses” can be interpreted as something less than light heartened- something more than just literally posing for a picture. It can also imply that one is hiding something; that a different face is being shown to the world.

The more public I become, with both this blog and my modeling, the more relevant the fourth meaning becomes.

“Candy Poses”- it’s a name, a noun, a verb, and lastly, an identity that’s further and further removed from my real life self.

Photography by Taj, taken in October, 2006.

Back from New York.

Posted by candyposes on 16 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m back from New York City. The trip was a great success- my only regret is not booking at least two more shoots- I was so cautious about traveling to model that I underbooked.

I was supposed to shoot with the wonderful model Bella Vendetta, but a flaky photographer prevented us from doing so. Don’t worry, folks- Bella and I will eventually meet and get naked, er, shoot together.

But, I did get to meet the wonderful Audacia Ray for dinner. We talked about various things and ate sandwiches.

Now I’m home safe and sound- and will be leaving next Tuesday for Vancouver.

Photography by Gary, taken in August, 2006.

Just get on the f*cking bus.

Posted by candyposes on 09 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I’m leaving for New York City tomorrow; I’ll be gone until the 15th. I have to be honest with you: I’m scared. Frightened. Petrified.

I’m going to actually go to New York City, on my own, shoot for five days straight, and return home? Successfully? Can I really do this?

A huge part of me is screaming, “Are you INSANE? You’re not a REAL model! You’re not a REAL adult! Go take a nap, watch a movie with your housemates, cook some french toast- but, for the love of God, DON’T GET ON A FUCKING BUS AND GO TO NEW YORK CITY FOR A WEEK.”

So, what’s a feminist to do? Obviously, the only solution is to get on the fucking bus and go to New York City for a week.

Photography by Restrained Photo, September 2006.


Posted by candyposes on 07 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I went out on a limb and contacted a sex worker activist I’ve exchanged emails with who lives in NYC, and asked her if she wanted to meet for “a lunch that neither one of us can afford” while I’m shooting in the city next week.

And she said yes.

A week later or so I received an email from a sex-positive feminist/model/pornography site webmistress extraordinaire with whom I’ve also exchanged emails with as well as appeared on her site saying that she “absolutely MUST meet” me.

Me? I felt like making sure they weren’t talking about another feminist nude model who was visiting New York at the same time. Is there anyone else out there who goes by the name “Candy Poses”?

Needless to say, I’m thrilled. Stay tuned, as the identity of these marvelous ladies will soon be revealed.

Photography by Gary, taken in August, 2006.


Posted by candyposes on 05 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

When Fox News says things are bad for the GOP…things are bad for the GOP.

WASHINGTON — House Republican candidates will suffer massive losses if House Speaker Dennis Hastert remains speaker until Election Day, according to internal polling data from a prominent GOP pollster, FOX News has learned.

“The data suggests Americans have bailed on the speaker,” a Republican source briefed on the polling data told FOX News. “And the difference could be between a 20-seat loss and 50-seat loss…”

I don’t know about you, but this feminist isn’t losing too much sleep over it.

Photography by Domenic. August, 2006.

Protected: This is not…

Posted by candyposes on 04 Oct 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized

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