Dirty in Detroit.

Posted by candyposes on 13 Feb 2007 at 01:25 pm | Tagged as: Uncategorized

I recently returned from a weekend spent in Detroit and Toledo; I attended a group shoot and the Dirty Show on Saturday.  I worked with some amazing people, and got to meet some I hope to work with in the future.

Gary Mitchell, Andi, Boyd, Iris Dassault, Melvin Moten Jr., Restrained Photo, Vivian Ireene Pierce, James Graham, Johnny Flamethrower, Chip Willis, Lochai, Dan, Cherrystone, Kat Love, JJ Plush- consider your names dropped.  My apologies to anyone I’ve overlooked.

Not a whole lot of feminist commentary in this entry, I know.  Stay tuned: tomorrow’s will involve chewing gum and STDs.  Really.



Photo by Jeffery McAlister, January 2007.

6 Responses to “Dirty in Detroit.”

  1. on 13 Feb 2007 at 1:31 pm Gary

    The midwest will never be the same since your whirlwind tour. Wonderful to see you again and work with you… consider it a standing invitation to come back any time.

  2. on 13 Feb 2007 at 5:58 pm Iris

    The pleasure was entirely ours. You are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. on 14 Feb 2007 at 7:45 am Dan

    It was truly a pleasure to meet you. You’ll have to take my word at this, but I am usually much better at composing complete sentences.


  4. on 14 Feb 2007 at 7:58 am Dave

    Sorry I missed you at Dirty. I was there Friday…guess you were in Toledo that night. Maybe next time.

  5. on 14 Feb 2007 at 3:28 pm mmjr

    It was a thrill to meet you and a joy to work with you…I may have to come west to do it again!

  6. on 19 Feb 2007 at 12:34 pm Moraxian

    I can’t wait to see the photos you created with Mel Moten! I also can’t wait to see what you and Vivian collaborated to do! I photographed VIP once about 3 years ago, and she has seemingly escaped my ropes quite a bit recently…but I will catch her again! Bwa hah hah!


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