But I do show pink.

Posted by candyposes on 21 Feb 2007 at 09:03 pm | Tagged as: Uncategorized

There seems to be some confusion here regarding my “rules” about what I won’t and will do.  Multiple people have commented on my “no pink” rule.

Except that there is no “no pink” rule.

There was such a rule, once upon a time.  But no longer- if pink shows, it shows.  I do spreadshots.  I even pretend to masturbate in photos.  I’m not sure where people are getting the idea that I have a “no pink” rule, even though I’ve blogged about not having such a rule anymore.  Is it lack of reading comprehension, or poor writing on my part?

At any rate, I thought that I’d clarify this.  And, of course, provide proof, ironically in black and white.


But I do show pink
D. Brian Nelson, January 2007. 

5 Responses to “But I do show pink.”

  1. on 22 Feb 2007 at 9:48 am raindogzilla

    Sorry. I seem to have stepped into the middle of a conversation without first investigating it’s beginning. Besides, if we outlaw pink, only outlaws will have pink- and, by god, I want to be an outlaw!

  2. on 22 Feb 2007 at 10:19 pm B

    Wait ’til Ted Turner gets a hold of this photo!

  3. on 23 Feb 2007 at 6:56 am Tom

    Dear Candy,

    I don’t understand the excitement about “pink”. I like to look at erotic photos but I find it very hard to define what “erotic” is. Curiously its much easier to list things, that are “un-erotic” than things that are “erotic” and there is a lot of “it depends” and “doesn’t matter” inbetween.
    For me, the visibility of female genitals belongs into the “it depends”-box. A “pink” picture is not necessarily erotic and there are lots of pictures that are erotic (for me) where you don’t see genitals.
    Living in europe, I’m not sure how you differentiate between “porn” and “nude art” in the US but I guess it’s not too different from my home country: shows pink = porn, no pink = no porn.
    Is that really a difference for the model or just a “easy-to-use” way to define porn?
    The question “pink or no pink” often is just a question of a small change of the perspective, only a few degrees of the cameras angle. Does that really matter for the model? Did it for you when you had a “no pink” rule?

  4. on 02 Mar 2007 at 7:22 pm Jim Phelps

    One question to put things in perspective. Do you charge more for Ppnk? Do you charge more for spreads? Do you charge less for glamour nudes? Isn’t this at least partially a business decision?

  5. on 03 Mar 2007 at 1:57 am candyposes

    I charge more for “hustler/erotic nudes” than I do for “playboy nudes” or “art nudes.” Of course it’s a business decision partially.

    D. Brian Nelson didn’t pay me anything. I shot with him for free.

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