Posted by candyposes on 29 Nov 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized
Candy Poses: coming soon to a studio near you!
Well, maybe. I’ve decided that the best course of action this winter would be to do some traveling. I want to get naked all across America.
My current travel plans are as follows:
12/3-12/8 Seattle (booked)
12/15-12/18 NYC
12/20-1/10 Washington DC Metro Area
1/11-1/15 Boston
1/19-1/25 LA
February- DC, Detroit, NYC
So, photographers- if you’d like to collaborate and are in or near these cities, drop me a line at my “work” email, [email protected]. Be forewarned that the vast majority of what I’m going to shoot will be paid work, but my rates are both reasonable and negotiable.
Also, fans and photographers alike- I’ve upgraded my online portfolio- to see my latest photos and old classics, simply go to my One Model Place page. I’ll be updating it on a regular basis, and have a good deal of spots left for photos- I won’t have to take any old ones down for quite some time.
Photograph by Martini. October 2006.
P.S. My business cards arrived in the mail today. I’m now officially a businesswoman.
P.S.S. It has been drawn to my attention that the website One Model Place disabled travel notifications for photographers- meaning that, when I listed my travel schedule on that website, no photographers in those areas received it, even the ones who requested such notifications. As a result…I don’t know what as a result. All I know is that this is an unanticipated pain in the ass.
P.S.S.S. All of a sudden, half my hits are coming from people doing web searches for “Britney Spears Vagina.” Seriously, people, get a life.
P.S.S.S.S. I recently added a “Greatest Hits” section to the sidebar. New readers, the answer to your questions are probably in one of those entries. Read ‘em, then ask.