Why is 18 the magic age?
All of a sudden, in the US, with the exception of alcohol, all the adult freedoms out there are accessible. Porn, cigarettes, sex with anyone else over 18, voting, getting married…all ours for the taking and doing, once we turn 18.
What’s the essential difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old that makes things so different?
I’m going to speak specifically about nudity for a moment. This blog, in my eyes, is off limits to those under 18- I don’t want underage people reading this and looking at the pictures. Why? Simple. Legal reasons- I don’t want to get in trouble.
But is there really anything on here that’s inappropriate for a 17 year old- or younger? The vast majority of the pictures here are art nudes- although, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- porn is in the eye of the beholder. If you want to see something as porn, you will. I’m of the opinion that my words could be much more corrupting to minors- although, that might just be wishful thinking.
There’s such depth and differences between individuals, and how they grow and change- because there’s no real way to measure this, there’s a set age that hopefully works for everyone. What I find troubling about this is that because there’s a set, defined age, it seems as if there’s a black and white phenomenon happening.
Why is it that a 17 year old “can’t” view pornography on the internet, but at 18 can star in internet pornography?
I understand why a set age is necessary, legally speaking- but I don’t think that, culturally, it needs to be applied quite like it is. No, I’m not saying that 17 year olds should star in pornography.
But, I am saying that people have to be looked at as individuals- regardless of their age, and be treated as such.

Photography by Bob Coulter, June 2006.
UPDATE: Right after the posting of this entry, I learned that Plan B has finally been approved as an over-the-counter drug! It’s about time!
However, and how appropriate for this post- it’s only approved OTC for women 18 and over- despite the fact that there is no medical reason for this restriction. What made 18 the magic age?