Free the Condoms!
Psst...remember this post about locked-up condoms? Well, now you can do something about it. Just go here to free the condoms!
Image stolen from the internet and altered by Candy. Feel free to spread to the corners of the universe.

Photography by Domenic. January, 2006.

Photography by Domenic. January, 2006.
hello. i've just checked out your blog and i found it interesting. you seem to be really convict of what you're doing and i appreciate it. those pics you took on the street are original and sexy, specially that one on the subject "It's Weekend". well, there's so much things about nude art and liberation that i could never talk seriously to anybody, so i'd like to know if you have something like MSN. i'd be so glad if you wanted to share opinions.
ps: sorry if my english is not good, i'm not american/english/whatever.
= )
Ohhhh, me really likes this one. Steam is coming off of the screen.
Josh-thanks for the kind words. I can't take credit for the concept of the "street" photos, though- they were the idea of the photographer and part of a larger project he's working on. I don't use any instant messagers anymore due to busy-ness, but thanks for the offer.
demandra- perv. By the way, did you notice that I linked to your blog, because you're awesome?
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