Body Image: Shyly
Posted by candyposes on 15 Aug 2006 | Tagged as: Uncategorized
In one of my first posts, I made a list of beautiful women. One of them was a nude model who goes by the name Shyly. I thought, in light of the entry regarding my insecurity over comments about my weight as well as my series of posts dedicated to body image, it was time to give Shyly her very own piece in Feminism Without Clothes.
So, Shyly’s a nude model. So am I. And a whole lot of other people are, too. What makes her different? I’m sure there are many things- but here’s one: she weighs 320 pounds.
It’s not her weight in and of itself that’s important, in my eyes. It’s that she realizes and proves that fat women- and she refers to herself as fat on her site, The Beauty Curve- can be beautiful, and sexy, and naked, all at the same time. And, in our society, that’s quite an accomplishment.
She refers to what she’s doing as “size activism”- a bit misleading in my eyes. It seems to imply that it only benefits people of size. Like feminism, in my opinion, it improves the lives of everyone, not just the large.
So, thank you.