Wednesday, February 22, 2006

All well in Candyland.

Things are going pretty well in Candyland. See Candy Bleed is in good health, and is going to be mentioned in an art magazine that comes out in May. Feminism without Clothes has also gotten positive feedback.

I worried when I launched both this weblog and See Candy Bleed that I would run out of steam after a while. Since they've only been around for a relatively little while, I still can't be sure that I won't. What I can be sure of is that the time, energy, thought, and nudity(and in the case of See Candy Bleed, blood) that I've put into them has most definitely been worth it.

Here's a lovely photo of me pretending to be a ninja, and another one of me in a bra.

Photography by Ricky, October 2005.

Photography by Chip; January 2006.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Walmart ordered to carry Plan B.

Earlier this year I wrote about my frustration with having to go get the "morning after pill" after a contraception failure. Today I'm also writing about emergency contraception, but on a much more positive note.

Walmart has been order to stock emergency contraception in its Massachusetts pharmacies. I was absolutely thrilled to hear this news. No, it's not anywhere close to EC being over the counter, like the FDA recommended, but it's a start. I salute the three women who were brave enough to file suit against Walmart when their prescriptions were denied. It is my belief that all women, everywhere, should have full access to all forms of contraception.

Here's a picture that shows how I feel about this.

Photography by Chip; January 2006.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My new look.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Among other things, my sweetheart Ricky gave me a special haircut.

Photo by me, February 2006. Mohawk by Ricky.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

So cute!

Finally Ricky got in front of the camera with me, instead of always being behind it (or to the side of it, carrying my stuff and being a lookout in case of police).

I get so happy looking at these pictures- this shoot was the most fun I ever had with a photographer other than Ricky(no offense to all the wonderful photographers I've worked with, but things are a little different when you're in love). Luckily for me, they came out great. Luckily for all of you, I'm posting them.

Photography by Patrick; January 2006. Models: Candy and Ricky.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Me in panties.

I thought I'd let everyone know that I'm taking a class about how to use photoshop. As a result, I have been able to revive this image of me in cute panties.



Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I thought I'd post a preview photo of what I know will be one of my most favorite image sets, ever.

Photography by Patrick; January 2006. Models: Candy and Ricky.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Can I be angry, too?

I was recently directed to the sites One Angry Girl and No Porn Pledge by some readers. I have to admit that I agree with a lot of what they say. I find a lot of porn distasteful and demeaning to women. But, what gets me is that they fail to define exactly what is porn.

Is this weblog porn? What about my menstruation site, See Candy Bleed? What about sites like No Fauxxx and I'm pretty sure some of the content on those two sites can be considered pornography, but I hardly think that it demeans women.

So, is it only "mainstream" porn that demeans women? What's the standard here?

The most important question I have for the people behind these two sites is this: Can I be angry, too? I know I'm not anti-porn, but I am a feminist who respects human dignity and sexuality. I think that prostitution should be legal and much, much safer for those who work in that field. I believe that we shouldn't judge or pity women who are strippers and pornographers and prostitutes, regardless of our personal viewpoints. I think that erotic photography and porn, when done right, can be wonderful.

Can I be angry about exploitation and oppression of women if I post pictures like this:

Or can I only be angry if I post pictures like this:

Photography by Chip; January 2006.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Why this blog is here.

My boyfriend pointed out a while ago that one could interpret this blog as merely a tease- you think you're getting naked photos, but in return, you're forced to read a feminist viewpoint. And, I guess he has a point.

So, why does this blog exist, and why does it combine nudity and feminism? There are several reasons.

The first reason is that my friends are tired of listening to my feminist and liberal rants. Most of the time, I'm preaching to the choir, anyway. This blog serves as an outlet for my ravings. They somehow seem much more intelligent when written down than when I'm spitting them out of my mouth at a mile a minute. They're also missing the huge hand gestures and cursing that goes along with them in their original format, but this can be seen as a plus or a minus.

The second reason is that I love my body, and I love posing for nude photographs. At the moment, I'm not searching for modeling gigs, as I'm busy with other things, so I don't want them to go unseen and unappreciated. What can I say, I'm vain, and I've also worked with some excellent photographers.

The third reason is to give a voice to something that is often objectified- the nude body. Whether it's porn, art, or in between, these figures are usually silent. I know I can't be the only one who finds images where one has at least a hint of who this person is or what the context was when it was created much more intriguing, as well as easier to appreciate on multiple levels.

The fourth and final reason is to help break the stereotype of feminism apart. There is so much negativity associated with something that, in reality, has done so much good for not only women, but men, too. Feminism is not the same as sexism. I believe that, although feminism usually fights for the needs and rights of women, as opposed to men, it benefits both sexes. I've always said that feminism isn't just about girls who want to wear pants- it's also about boys who want to wear skirts. For me, feminism is about breaking down stereotypes and rules, and being and acting as feminine, masculine, or androgynous as you want to be- regardless of your sex.

Here are some naked photos of me.

Photography by Ricky, January 2006.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Plan B.

I've been debating whether I should write about this in my blog or not- and I decided that if I really want to keep an online journal entitled "Feminism Without Clothes," I should be willing to bare not only my physical self, but, every once in a while, my personal life.

The morning I went with one of my friends to Planned Parenthood, and received emergency contraception because of a contraceptive failure. And, believe me, I AM PISSED.

I'm mad at the people who redefine pregnancy to argue against these pills.

I'm mad at the people who made this pill so damn hard for me to get.

I'm mad at the people who dare to judge me and my actions.

I'm mad at the people who didn't see anything wrong with appointing a male veterinarian to head up the Office of Women's Health of the Food and Drug Administration.

I guess you can probably tell that I'm pretty mad. I should have been able to go into a CVS/pharmacy and get this pill over the counter.

Photography by me, January 2006. Not airbrushed, not photoshopped, but real.