Archive for July, 2006

It’s my birthday! I’m starting the twenty-first year of my life wondering about how I can make more money without trying, being depressed about the state of the world, and pondering the future in general.
I recently had a photographer say that he wasn’t sure what exactly I was looking for with regards to building […]

…and I’m back.

I’m back from Vancouver. I had a great time, although it’s nice to not feel obligated to apologize for Bush quite so much. Here are some pictures; I’m guessing that the second will be a bigger hit than the first.

Photography by Simon, July 2006.

Candy in Canada.

I’m off for a couple of days to Vancouver. If you don’t hear back from me, the free healthcare, plentiful weed, and lower drinking age has seduced me into a world of liberal sin, and I’ve decided to stay.

Photography by Mike, taken in June, 2006.


After some thought, I’ve decided that I can’t keep my vow to be completely naked, if you will, in this blog.
There’s one subject I’ve decided I won’t touch, at least from a political viewpoint. I’m perfectly happy to blog about nearly every other subject near and dear to my heart. But this one- […]

Well, well. It’s the six month anniversary of Feminism Without Clothes, as well as just about two weeks shy of my 21st birthday.
A lot of crappy stuff has happened concerning women and women’s rights, both in the United States and around the world. Enough to ensure another six months of rants from me, […]

A word of warning: a good deal of the sites I link to in this blog entry have pornographic content. Porn!
You may or may not have heard of SuicideGirls, a supposed little haven in the world of softcore porn. Pierced and tattooed girls in charge of how they’re presented! How liberating! […]

I liked this editorial from the Washington Post so much that I showed all my housemates it, then clipped it out and stuck it on the fridge.
“Mexico is in a mess because voters in its presidential election were so closely divided between Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the candidate of the center-left, and Felipe Calderón, the […]

My Facade.

I was talking to an online friend, who, like everyone else I know from online, has seen naked pictures of me. I noted that, as someone who does nude modeling, I have developed quite the facade.
Of course, everyone has a facade they show to the public- a layer of protection. I think that, because I’m […]

On Friday I shot with Bob Coulter, of Crazy Babe fame. I paid my way to New York City to do so- and it was definitely worth it. I got some great pictures, and had a great time. He’s the most famous photographer that I’ve shot with to date- as well as an awesome guy.
Although […]